The Weekly Module Review Group Welcome to the Weekly Module Review Index Page last update 10.20.97 -----==================================================----- What is the Weekly Module Review Project? To put it briefly, we are a group of individuals that share a common interest in the form of computer music, namely: music modules. I (Boris), not being a composer, but loving the hobby so much, wanted to find a way to participate and give something back for all the countless hours composers have spent making this great noise. This is the result of my brainstorming. A rather simple concept (from a rather simple brain, you're no doubt thinking!?) and one that I don't claim is original. However, it has never been done this way on a regular, ongoing basis. The reviewers offer themselves, free of charge, and frankly probably free of thanks and any other notable incentive--but they do it anyway. They do it because they know there are people out there who share appreciatiation for the hobby and can benefit from their insights. Myself and the reviewers taken together are here to produce something that will help people interested in music modules make some informed choices about what to spend their downloading time on, as well as something for budding and experienced composers to examine for their own benefit and the benefit of their future listeners. We are dedicated to providing useful, reasonably objective and knowledgeable information both to the composers who are always hungry for feedback, and to anyone else who might have an interest. And that, in a brazilnutshell, is the gist of the situation. It isn't anything revolutionary, but it does address a need, and we're happy to make the effort, and will continue on as long as it is practical to do so. We hope you find this work interesting, enlightening and useful. Please email comments, praise, complaints, checks, etc. if you have anything at all on your mind concerning this site or the project. (Note that if after checking out some of this work, you would like to become a reviewer, or submit a module for review, you can find the relevant information at the WMR website at Enjoy! -----==================================================----- List of other WMR pages in this archive Overall.txt: Overall Rankings - All modules reviewed ranked head to head with new entries at the top for quick skipping to their reviews (you have the option of downloading the module once you're at the review). Rexp.txt: Explanation of the layout of the review pages Style.txt: Style Rankings - All modules subdivided into their particular styles and ranked accordingly. Rev10.txt: Reviewer Top Ten Lists - Each reviewer with at least 50 reviews under their belt is given a 'Top Ten' listing of their best picks out of all the modules they've reviewed. WMR-Index.txt: WMR Index page - you are here. wkxx.txt: Reviews organized in weekly batches as they were originally added to the database. -----==================================================----- Contents of this archive are protected under copyright laws. Copyright, 1997, by The Weekly Module Review Group. All written reviews and other material copyright by their respective authors. WMR concept by Boris R. Vallejo ( -----==================================================----- Permission is granted for this material to be included in any Aminet CD pressings until otherwise stated. Beyond the above, NO other permissions are granted. If you would like to include this material, in part or in whole, in some work of your own, you must request and be granted specific permission to do so. To do so, please email me at the above-noted address. -----==================================================-----